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Electronic components

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Your trusted electronic components supplier!

Over the years we have accumulated information about Chinese market and get considerable experience in wholesale supply of various kinds of goods from China since 1992.  Our specialists have all the necessary skills for successful organization of products for your supply needs.

The main directions of our work are: supply of electronic components, servers and server parts, network equipment and replacement parts.

In cooperation with us, you will be able to concentrate Your energy on marketing and sales by entrusting the search, purchase and shipping of ordered products to professionals!


Microchip supply

Components search

Wide database of trusted suppliers allows us to provide best prices fast

Direct contacts

Gathering information

We will do all the talking with suppliers (manufaturers) and ask them any necassary questions

Second hand


We can help in international shipping of your goods in different ways


tick icon We solve your supply chain issues

tick icon Can offer Chinese replacement brand items from trusted suppliers

tick icon International shipping options

tick icon Direct contacts with official brand agents

tick icon We can help you in production from scratch

tick icon We speak Chinese, English and Russian

Contact us


All Rights Reserved © 2024 Shanxi Taicheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
+86 1593-540 7021 (GMT+8)
No. 09, Floor 12B, Building 7, Marriott Financial Center, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China
Contact person: Mrs Elaine Wu